Changing WHOIS information ?



Original Poster:

4,415 posts

278 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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How do you go about changing your WHOIS information, so it doesn't show stuff like your home telephone etc ? My host have been particularly uninformative.

Also I've heard a rumour that you can only change WHOIS info if you have a address, and not .com or .org (for example) ... sounds like pants to me ... ?

Cheers !


9,396 posts

267 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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Best way is to contact the company that you registered the domain with, they will be able to change the info on your behalf.


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

278 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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That's my host, and I've contacted them but they've been "unhelpful".

However my mate, who also wants to do this, has been told by his host that you CANNOT change the WHOIS information for a .COM url (like his), only for .CO.UK, which sounds like a fob off to me ....

So is there any independant way ?


76,555 posts

281 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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I think you are being misinformed.

For addresses you can contact Nominet directly to change your details. If you have a domain registration certificate then there is a form you can fill in otherwise go to Nominet's website

For .com addresses, some registrars give you a control panel that allows you to change almost everything. and are two that spring to mind and the latter lets you do it on too.

If your registrar is being obstructive then move your domain to someone more helpful. If may cost money but you'll get a better service at the end of the day.


8,293 posts

286 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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You can get info on this direct from Internic. Try Your best bet would be to change to an ISP who will provide a control panel.
Your uncooperative host may just not know what to do - your ISP and the registrar are not the same (usually) - which is often a problem with cut price reseller type hosting. You can change to an ISP who does know what to do, and your current ISP can't prevent that (though they can draw the process out sometimes).