CD problem on PC



Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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there I am mucking about with files on the CD writer, all working fine

Put the CD in, drawer closes, nothing

Should possibly have checked more at this stage but didn't

Turned the PC off and on again (programmer see ) now the drive doesn't come up on explorer, the light is on (on the drive, saying "disk in" or something) but I can't get the drawer to open

Tried hardware wizard, tried hardware settings etc, drive just not there

Where should I look next


16,442 posts

270 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Straightened paperclip in the emergency eject hole


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Fk me, never noticed that before, I'll try it when I get home

Any idea how to get the drive back, I really want to back some stuff up and this is my only option




16,442 posts

270 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Could simply be that the CD hasn't sat properly in the tray and has jammed.

Could be that the drive's too busy sorting its life out to respod to Windows, so by emergency ejecting & sorting out the disc, hopefully all will be well...


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Well the modem's fd too so if it does work I won't be able to thank you till tomorrow




46,645 posts

284 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Incorrigible said: Fk me, never noticed that before, I'll try it when I get home

Any idea how to get the drive back, I really want to back some stuff up and this is my only option



not working in first line support are you?


6,930 posts

260 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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press del and go into the bios make sure it detects it, if it doesn't make sure which ever post it's attached to is set to auto detect. if it appears in the boot up sequence, then the pc's talking to it, if not check the connections and try again. if still no luck probably dead drive or faulty cable.

If it was visible, boot up in dos if you can. run dosstart (if there are dos drivers installed, if not install them, it can solve some of the windows reading problems). check if you can read from it. if you can reboot and load windows, see if the drive appears if not reinstall windows.


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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annodomini2 said: press del and go into the bios make sure it detects it
Don't know what you mean

if it doesn't make sure which ever post it's attached to is set to auto detect.
Don't know what you mean but i was working before, also I've got a DVD drive that runs of the same cable (is this what you mean by post ?)

if it appears in the boot up sequence, then the pc's talking to it, if not check the connections and try again. if still no luck probably dead drive or faulty cable.
Going to take the drive to a bloke wot knows tonight

If it was visible, boot up in dos if you can. run dosstart (if there are dos drivers installed, if not install them, it can solve some of the windows reading problems)
Can't see it at all, how do you get a listing of drives in DOS

BLoody frustrating it's 3 years old but it's onyl burnt ~20 CDs (not played much more either)


10,857 posts

276 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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Could be that when the writer jammed the other night its bent the laser out of alignment or damaged something else inside.

I support your idea of at least trying it in another (your mate's) PC and see if it works. To give you personal experience, my 20x Ricoh bust literally days after its one year warranty expired, so three years ain't that bad. Besides, CR-R technology has come on in leaps and bounds so go treat yourself to a nice new 'un. My current one is a 48x Plextor, good as gold it is. Bit dearer but worth it.

If I can help at all either reply or e mail me, but it does not look good, squire....



6,930 posts

260 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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Don't know what you mean but i was working before, also I've got a DVD drive that runs of the same cable (is this what you mean by post ?)

Sorry it was supposed to say 'port'!

you have a primary and a secondary port on a standard IDE connector, each can handle 2 drives, a master and a slave, the master is generally on the end of the cable (not always the case, but otherwise can cause difficulties otherwise).

If you get into the bios and find the hardrive settings, there should also be the CDROM drive settings.

A new CDRW drive will cost you about £50 +VAT for something that will be a lot quicker than the one you bought 3 years ago.


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Thanks chaps,

Gets weirder, took the writer to a pooter shop last night, they plugged it in and said it worked fine

I get it home plug it into the end of the cable (where the DVD usually goes (set jumper to master)) and it appeared in explorer but wouldn't read

Is the general concensus the drive's knackered (even though it works on somone elses machine) ? I don't want to blow £50 and the new one not work either. What else could it be



PS how do I get into the BIOS, (know fk all about hardware)


10,857 posts

276 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Try taking what else is on the same IDE (data) cable off and see if that affects anything.

Otherwise, I wouldn't believe the shop. Did you see it working?


16,442 posts

270 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Incorrigible said:PS how do I get into the BIOS, (know fk all about hardware)

Depends on which BIOS your motherboard uses, but very often on boot up you'll see a message such as "Press DEL to enter setup".

Press the Delete key (or whatever it tells you) at this point and you'll go into the BIOS setup screen.


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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GregE240 said: Otherwise, I wouldn't believe the shop. Did you see it working?
Didn't see it working but told them I was going to give them £50 for a new one if it was broken so can't see why they'd say it was OK


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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pdV6 said: Depends on which BIOS your motherboard uses, but very often on boot up you'll see a message such as "Press DEL to enter setup".

Press the Delete key (or whatever it tells you) at this point and you'll go into the BIOS setup screen.
Got XP pro, doesn't seem to do this


10,857 posts

276 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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OK Ben, try holding down a key as you switch the PC on - this will normally throw up a 301 typr error and will go into Setup.

Or, as said previously, try pressing DEL or F1 or F10 (can't think of any more) as SOON as you power up the machine. This should take you into the BIOS.


46,645 posts

284 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Ben, entry to the BIOS is machine / motherboard dependent. Check the manual (paper thingy that come wiv it)... some are "Shift+Enter" others "F1" or "F2" and the rest "Delete"...

.. you need to press it as the PC is turnnd on, as all the text runs down the screen, prior to XP booting.


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Ta all, will try tonight

Assuming, I get into BIOS and it doesn't recognise the drive, is this indicative of a knackered drive or motherboard problem


46,645 posts

284 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Always try the cheapest part first...! (so the drive then!)


16,442 posts

270 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Incorrigible said:

pdV6 said: Depends on which BIOS your motherboard uses, but very often on boot up you'll see a message such as "Press DEL to enter setup".

Press the Delete key (or whatever it tells you) at this point and you'll go into the BIOS setup screen.
Got XP pro, doesn't seem to do this

I find that XP boots so quickly, this message has been and gone before the monitor has warmed up enough to be able to see it!

As has been suggested, try holding down DEL (or the appropriate key for your BIOS) as soon as the m/b has beeped on startup (assuming, of course, it makes a beep on startup - failing that repeatedly press DEL as it boots)