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Original Poster:

614 posts

262 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Can some bright spark take a look at this thread and advise me of the solution?


405 posts

260 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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I might be a long way out here, but my guess is that it could be to do with the width of your photo?

Your photo displays fine if I left-click on the "X" & select "show picture", but this also alters the page margins in my browser window.

This looks to me like the javascrpt template for the page is possibly trying to restrict the photosize smaller than the photo size - hence the red "X"

Can you maybe try reducing your photo size & try again? Otherwise, I'm stumped, & I'd love to know the answer to this, too!


405 posts

260 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Sorry, ignore that.... mine stopped working, too!

I have noticed, though, if I open just the url of your photo in a new window & then refresh the PH page, it (sometimes!) works.

Without the image loaded in another window, it doesn't.

No more ideas, sorry


1,502 posts

262 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Are you right clicking to get the image address ? If so try clicking 'view your link to this picture'as this gives a different address for the photo.


405 posts

260 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Hi mrsd,
sorry, I meant right, not left click (I do this all the time, grr!)

I was right clicking on the image, selected properties, then copied the address & pasted it into a new window. The problematic picture: works fine when I do it this way - also, I can get some instances of it appearing in the PH thread. However, other pages still refuse to load it.

I now have several instances of the same page open, some of them displaying the image, others not - do you get the same effect?


1,502 posts

262 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Oh I'd assumed it was hosted in Fotango, based on the other thread. If you're using Fotango you have to use their link, rather than R-clicking, otherwise it doesn't work but it's Webshots not Fotango. I'll stop talking balls in that case, other than maybe to say get a Fotango account, as these seem fairly reliable.


405 posts

260 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Actually, this seems like a similar thing here, too - maybe you're not talking balls at all!

When I stuck in the url (above), it gives a 403 (access forbidden) error on the server - although I can access the page by pasting the same thing in my browser...

Fotango does seem like it might be simpler, though!

edited to add:

I just checked out the Webshots FAQ & terms & conditions of use, & they state that they don't want any of the photos on the site to be used outside of the Webshots software.

I'd therefore say that the problems with displaying your photo are a function of the Webshots site. Fotango seems to be designed to permit links from outside, but Webshots is designed to prevent this.

Webshots also include the disclaimer that they can delete your photos & block membership to anyone using the site outwith their terms & conditions.

I'm no expert, but I'd be disinclined to use Webshots for the purposes you're needing. Fotango looks miles better.

>> Edited by griffless on Wednesday 4th June 15:43


Original Poster:

614 posts

262 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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I have been advised by Ted that Webshots will allow you to link to pages with photos on, but not to link the photos into other sites. PH is working on a photo upload feature for PH but it will be some time before it's ready.


>> Edited by Snakes on Thursday 5th June 11:16