Photos won't appear????



Original Poster:

614 posts

262 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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I am probably missing something obvious but when I post a thread that links to the url of my car the photo appears when I preview the thread but then when I return to the topic I get the "usual" red cross in the white box syndrome rather than the picture. Any ideas? This is driving me nuts so please can I have some suggestions. I know it "opens" for other PHers 'cos of the comments made on successive posts.



12,425 posts

275 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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It that picture hosted by picture service? If so, they may not allow external linking.


Original Poster:

614 posts

262 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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But, as I said, "I know it "opens" for other PHers 'cos of the comments made on successive posts" and I can open it at work.

Can you see this?? I can on preview.

Any ideas??

>> Edited by Snakes on Tuesday 3rd June 22:01


12,425 posts

275 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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I've made the experience, that some pictures from fotango (those without the white fotango-bar at the bottom - different album?) 'expire' after 10 to 15 min. Maybe try a different album or picture service, or does any fotango-user knows, how to put it right?


12,425 posts

275 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Snakes said:
Can you see this?? I can on preview.

Any ideas??

>> Edited by Snakes on Tuesday 3rd June 22:01

Not in your post, but when I quote your post, and copy the address in the address-bar, then I see it. Then, when I return to the thread, it appears. Maybe it's because it's in my browser cache, or I got the right cokie to view it (such as I am a visitor of the webshots-site).


12,425 posts

275 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Now it dissapeared again.


12,425 posts

275 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Funny: I have the original image's address in another browser tab. When I change to that tab, and refresh it, the change back to this page, refresh again, the picture is shown for a half second or so
Maybe a device to block external linking?


5,785 posts

273 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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I'm having the same problem. I save my photo into the public gallery and it all works well. I've even checked it on a mates machine.

15 mins later it just appears as a red cross. Arse.

Have also noticed that when it does work I dont get the logo at the bottom of my pics.


Original Poster:

614 posts

262 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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But then why can I see it when logged into this site on the PC at work?



13,116 posts

265 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Sorry Snakes cant help much but i do know this happens with alot of peoples photos


5,785 posts

273 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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I thought it might be something to do with the huge demand in people wanting to download a picture of my Fearsome Fiesta for their desktop wallpaper


46,645 posts

284 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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Snakes said: But, as I said, "I know it "opens" for other PHers 'cos of the comments made on successive posts" and I can open it at work.

Can you see this?? I can on preview.

Any ideas??

>> Edited by Snakes on Tuesday 3rd June 22:01

Well I can see it now...

>> Edited by Podie on Thursday 5th June 11:17


Original Poster:

614 posts

262 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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I have been advised by Dave Edmonston of PH that Webshots will allow you to link to pages with photos on, but not to link the photos into other sites. PH is working on a photo upload feature for PH but it will be some time before it's ready.

This doesn't really explain why I can always "see it" if I open it from work.



89,906 posts

293 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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Probably no help but I have always been able to see these photos's 3 lovely identical pics of the same T350c. I have looked 2 or 3 times since this has been posted and they have always been there.


13,668 posts

270 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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I've had no problem with Fotango, you just have to click the "get a link for this picture" button, otherwise it's only accesible by you


8,293 posts

286 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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If you can see it from work but not elsewhere its probably been cached somewhere along the line, either on your firms proxy server or on you works PC.