More buying off the net



Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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There this site, I've used it in the past and found them excellent Musicyo

But I try to log in to buy some stuff and I get

The security certificate for this site has been revoked

Do not trust this site
Anyone had anything like this before, what's the score, firewall at work or something more sinister

>>> Edited by Incorrigible on Tuesday 3rd June 16:21


89,906 posts

293 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Just tried it, works fine comes up with the right front page, and that's going through Zone Alarm with all the bits working.

You also put a "," instead of "." in your URL.


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Have to try it at home then.

Do these people in IT not realize that I'm busy when I leave the office

did you try adding anything to your cart ?


89,906 posts

293 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Incorrigible said:
did you try adding anything to your cart ?

Yep, no problem too.


11,190 posts

264 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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I've had this. When banking on line I found that access to my info was still available but I had to accept the 'out of date certificate' thingy. I ended up going to to get my certificate updated. No problem since them.


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

270 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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So general concensus is I shouldn't be too worried

Cool 'cause they've got $150 of something I want


4,490 posts

293 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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It might just be that the root cert isn't supported.

Basically so that you know they are who they say they are (rather then just someone who got the domain and a fake site) they buy a certificate from a company who verifies they are who they say. The company who verifies this has to have a certificate themselves that the browser can recognise (otherwise anyone could say I verify this is MR XYZ and there would be no point)

The problem seems to be that they have a certificate from a company that your browser doesn't recognise.

But all in all it shouldn't be anything to worry about!