DVD software for Toshiba laptop

DVD software for Toshiba laptop



Original Poster:

31,608 posts

262 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Having recently suffered a catastrophic fit of laptop trantrum-throwing, i've had to wipe the insolent little bastard and start from scratch. As part of this upsetting episode, i've lost the software for Toshi's DVD player.

The little blighter is a TSW-253 IIRC, and the DVD-player was installed from new.

Can anyone point me towards somewhere where i can find a DVD driver? preferably a free one...i'm not keen on spending any more on my least favourite item of electronics if all time!


1,211 posts

293 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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I'm running a Tosh Sat Pro 6100 and have a hot swapable DVD drive. If you let me know which files you need, I can mail them over.



Original Poster:

31,608 posts

262 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Cheers Tony,

You have mail! thanks for your help,

Best Regards,


10,857 posts

276 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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Mike, did you get this sorted?


Original Poster:

31,608 posts

262 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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no i didn't, Greg can you help?

Go ahead, make my day.


10,857 posts

276 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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I'll certainly try. What OS have you got on it?

And...I assume the DVD player is seen by the OS: you just want the codecs to play DVDs...right?


Original Poster:

31,608 posts

262 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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i'm running Win2000ME. The DVD player is an integral one, and its playing data and music CDs fine. the computer is a Satellite 1805

I think i just need the software that takes the DVD data from the disk to display. The user interface.



10,857 posts

276 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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Got a decent Internet connection there?


11,621 posts

276 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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10,857 posts

276 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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You've got to pay for that one, Ernest. What's all that about?

umar b

1,484 posts

276 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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GregE240 said: I'll certainly try. What OS have you got on it?

And...I assume the DVD player is seen by the OS: you just want the codecs to play DVDs...right?

I am having the same problem as well, (don't mean to hi jack he thread!)

i have a laptop with a Toshiba dvd player but can not play any dvds, i am looking for the codecs if possible, i am using windows XP, if that helps

Thanks in advanced



11,621 posts

276 months

Thursday 5th June 2003
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GregE240 said: You've got to pay for that one, Ernest. What's all that about?

Get the Windows XP media player "add-in". I think it's called the Xpack. It is the cheapest and probably easiest to configure...



10,857 posts

276 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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umar b said:I am having the same problem as well, (don't mean to hi jack he thread!)

i have a laptop with a Toshiba dvd player but can not play any dvds, i am looking for the codecs if possible, i am using windows XP, if that helps

Thanks in advanced



Drop me a mail - I can help you out.


2,254 posts

292 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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What was the version of the DVD software you had before ? Compaq's and Dells come with their branded version of WinDVD and Intervideo which will only work with their hardware and you can download them from their sites maybe you could download the TOsh version from somewhere?


850 posts

270 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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Windows Media Player 9 apparently has DVD-support built-in - don't know how good it is, I use WinDVD Platinum from Intervideo - but you can download WMP9 from www.eu.microsoft.com/downloads/search.aspx?displaylang=en

good luck...