Apache on XP Home


Dr Chuff

Original Poster:

296 posts

293 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Hi All,

I'm trying to get Apache 2 to run on XP Home.
Service is running, but http://localhost doesn't do anything (page not found etc)

Do I need to configure anything?

Dr C


175 posts

289 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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try instead


67,280 posts

279 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Dr Chuff

Original Poster:

296 posts

293 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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I've just loaded on SP1.
I get "host contacted", but then it just goes on forever trying to load the page (both localhost and 127etc).
I've tried Netscape, same result.

Any ideas before I move to Linux?

Dr C


8,893 posts

276 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Do you have a personal firewall running?

Dr Chuff

Original Poster:

296 posts

293 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Yes, I did have McAfee firewall running.
I've now turned it off.
No change.

I've also noticed that the CPU is 100 pct when Apache service is running. That can't be right?

Dr C