DVD writer stuff


top fuel

Original Poster:

2,590 posts

262 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Can anybody recommend some software for creating DVD menus for films.

Me and a Group of mates have made a crappy film using digital video cameras (all edited and finished) that we what to make copies of before we trot in our different directions to UNI. I have a DVD burner and basic menu software (sonic) but I wanted better stuff to make audio comentaries, better layouts, secret areas etc.

Help on this would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Top Fuel


11,621 posts

276 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Can anybody recommend some software for creating DVD menus for films.

Me and a Group of mates have made a crappy film using digital video cameras (all edited and finished) that we what to make copies of before we trot in our different directions to UNI. I have a DVD burner and basic menu software (sonic) but I wanted better stuff to make audio comentaries, better layouts, secret areas etc.

Help on this would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Top Fuel




89,906 posts

293 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Edited for being asleep at 1:20am and not reading your posting properly.

Have a look at DVD Menu Studio, around £50. Have a look at it www.ezdvdadvisor.com/public/796.cfm

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Tuesday 3rd June 14:54