PC question



Original Poster:

1,279 posts

263 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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What is the keying sequence to save what you see on screen in .jpg format or similar


12,425 posts

275 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Ctrl+Print (right of F12) then paste into any image editing software (eg. M$ Paint). Works on Linux/KDE and Windows


26,914 posts

271 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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It's Shift + Print Screen, isn't it, rather than CTRL?


12,425 posts

275 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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miniman said: It's Shift + Print Screen, isn't it, rather than CTRL?

Have only Linux here to try, but remebered it was the same.

Have you tried both, maybe it works with 'Print' alone ?


26,914 posts

271 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Bodo said:
Have you tried both, maybe it works with 'Print' alone ?

Yes, it does! Good thinking...


Original Poster:

1,279 posts

263 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Ahaaaaaaa seems to work by just hitting Print screen button then opening paintbox and then Paste it works

Thanks chaps


12,425 posts

275 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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miniman said:

Bodo said:
Have you tried both, maybe it works with 'Print' alone ?

Yes, it does! Good thinking...


>> Edited by Bodo on Monday 2nd June 21:32


7,912 posts

264 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Alt + PrintScreen captures just the currently active window.




12,425 posts

275 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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ace-t said: Alt + PrintScreen captures just the currently active window.



Didn't know that


26,914 posts

271 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Neither did I but it would have saved me literally HOURS of cropping when putting together training material...

Mr E

22,215 posts

268 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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I remember the days when print screen actually printed the contents of the screen.......

And the grass was greener, the cows were bigger and.........


8,137 posts

281 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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Mr E said: I remember the days when print screen actually printed the contents of the screen.......

And the grass was greener, the cows were bigger and.........

You had a d on the end of your name and your own TV show?