Utterly disgusting



Original Poster:

7,912 posts

264 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
quotequote all
Business closes because of robbing scrotes. Read about it

That sucks


89,906 posts

293 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
quotequote all

Business closes because of robbing scrotes. Read about it

That sucks

It says BT fixed the line (for the alarm) which then didn't work.

Can't they sue BT?


26,914 posts

271 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
quotequote all

FourWheelDrift said:
It says BT fixed the line (for the alarm) which then didn't work.

Can't they sue BT?

Have you ever seen a BT "service level agreement"? They are liable for pretty much nothing in reality. Bastards.


2,254 posts

274 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
quotequote all

Business closes because of robbing scrotes. Read about it

That sucks

Robbing scrotes or robbing insurance co?


3,999 posts

291 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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It all comes back to redcare. All insurers insist on it it has a GSM backup but requires two zone trips to instigate a police call out.

If it doesn't work perfectly the insurers refuse to pay out. You can't get insurance without it. Guess who runs redcare, owns the lines and produces the equipment.......BT


8,137 posts

281 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
quotequote all
I thought redcare had been bought out by ADT? (Can't write what I think of them on here, but suffice to say whenever my brother has a bad day at work he phones them up to relieve stress )