Right tricky one....



Original Poster:

3,999 posts

291 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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...just spent 11 hours in the office reseting all the servers etc.

HOW do you move an existing profile of a local XP machine and attach it to the new Domain user account of that individual.

Will I also need to manually reset all the Outlook express messages as well

Help much needed for very early tommorrow when I go back into work.


12,058 posts

273 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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If you're talking about wht i think you are:

Create both accounts.

Log out of both.

Log onto the computer with a Domain Admin account.

In c:documents and settings, there will be a folder with the username you want to transfer. Copy this folder to wherever the profiles are stored.

If you don't store profiles centrally, copy the contents of this folder into the folder for the user you have created on the domain.

If they've both got the same username, the new one will be %username%.%whateverthedomainiscalled%