PS2 Via PC???



Original Poster:

457 posts

261 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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I've just invested in a doggies gonads Sony 17" HS73L LCD monitor for my pc. I have a Sony Vaio V505AP computer in a docking station. Seperately I have a shitty 15" portable TV with my PS2 hooked up. I very, very rarely watch the TV, so really it's only used for the PS2, and I don't really want to fork out for a new TV just for that, so I was wondering whether there was some way to feed it through my monitor?

The monitor has only a normal PC monitor connection (no SCART, USB, aerial jack etc to speak of) so I either need an adapter for the A/V PS2 lead so I can put in a junction box and hook it direct to the monitor OR even better, connect the PS2 into the docking station via S-Video. If I do the latter, I assume I'd need software to utilise the S-Video input.

Any thoughts???



89,906 posts

293 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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Just a quick thought, you'll have to connect it to your PC/Docking port because if you connect it directly to your monitor you won't have any sound. (Unless it's a monitor with built in speakers).


Original Poster:

457 posts

261 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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FourWheelDrift said: Just a quick thought, you'll have to connect it to your PC/Docking port because if you connect it directly to your monitor you won't have any sound. (Unless it's a monitor with built in speakers).

True. 2 bonus pounds to FWD!


8,801 posts

271 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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I hook my PS2 through a Hauppage TV card, which has an S Video socket. Basic, probably not ultimate quality, but does the trick well enough.


13,382 posts

276 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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isn't there a latency problem with that approach Julian?


8,293 posts

286 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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I have the same as julianh, works fine for me.