How do you record a VHS Video onto the PC?

How do you record a VHS Video onto the PC?



Original Poster:

1,852 posts

268 months

Saturday 31st May 2003
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Title says it all really.

What kit do I need to buy and what software is best?



8,893 posts

276 months

Saturday 31st May 2003
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Some sort of TV capture card, if you want to transfer from Digicam then you will probably need a Firewire card. Cards usually come with software for editing etc. Try or get a mag from whsmith first to find out some guideline prices and exactly what you need.


7,553 posts

274 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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Any old WinTV card (£25 and up) or similar will do the job fine.

There's an excellent guide at arstechnica covering everything you need to get the best results:


457 posts

261 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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Sitting in my cupboard I have a WinTV PCI card that allows you to record from WinTV onto the usual PC movie formats and then, if you so desire, onto a video CD or DVD if you have the drives. Cost me £250 a few months back and it was in my desktop for a week before I decided to change it for a laptop, thus rendering the PCI card useless. Was going to put it on ebay when i have the time but if anyone here wants it, feel free to email me!


1,947 posts

293 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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Hang on Gaz you could use that card to answer your other question. ie install the card and plug your PS2 through it to use your new monitor instead of the tv.

>> Edited by smeagol on Sunday 1st June 13:20


457 posts

261 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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smeagol said: Hang on Gaz you could use that card to answer your other question. ie install the card and plug your PS2 through it to use your new monitor instead of the tv.

Trouble is my PC is a laptop, so I can't put in a PCI card. That's the main downside to laptops - no expandability. But the PS2 plan was actually one reason I bought the card in the first place - just never worked out because I wanted to be portable!