AutoCad problem



Original Poster:

13,316 posts

289 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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I know this should probably be in the new computers bit but I need an answer sharpish and I'll probably get a larger audiance here
A customer has sent us a CD with some .plt drawing files on it for us to plot and then quote for, only thing is no one here has any idea how to plot them
Any one got any ideas

Paul V

4,489 posts

286 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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I used to copy them to the lpt1 port using ms dos.


Original Poster:

13,316 posts

289 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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Now the customer said something about using DOS but he was taling to the boss and when it filtered down chinesse whisper stylee the instructions weren't that clear, now simpleton style what do I type and where

Paul V

4,489 posts

286 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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If you do a search for Viewcompanion, you can download that then should be able to print it from there, you can also convert it to DXF then insert it to CAD. I think the LPT1 thing only work if the plotter is on your computer not networked.

>> Edited by Paul V on Friday 30th May 16:19


16,442 posts

270 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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raceboy said: Now the customer said something about using DOS but he was taling to the boss and when it filtered down chinesse whisper stylee the instructions weren't that clear, now simpleton style what do I type and where

Assuming that the file is compatible with your plotter/printer and this is plugged into LPT1, go to a dos box (Start/Run/Cmd on Win2k/XP or Start/Run/Command on Win98) and type

type filename.plt > LPT1

Or something like that...

>> Edited by pdV6 on Friday 30th May 16:22


Original Poster:

13,316 posts

289 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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That gives me bad command or file name, think I've got to change directory to D, then a sub directory called drawings


16,442 posts

270 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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Once in the DOS box, you'll have to navigate your way to the appropriate directory where the file lives, or alternatively add the full drive and path to the file in the command line:

cd autocaddrawings
type filename.plt > LPT1


type d:\autocad\drawings\filename.plt > LPT1

NB you need to type the word 'type' as part of the comamnd!

{edited to get the \ to come out}

>> Edited by pdV6 on Friday 30th May 16:31


16,442 posts

270 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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Alternatively try

copy d:\autocad\drawings\filename.plt LPT1

{and again }

>> Edited by pdV6 on Friday 30th May 16:31

Paul V

4,489 posts

286 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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yes I used the copy filename.plt lpt1 thing.

or download this


Original Poster:

13,316 posts

289 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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Downloaded viewcomp and it prints out with 'Evaluation Copy' over the draing in big bold letters
Tryed the DOS stuff, the cd wirrs, and the A4 printer fires a blank page through it, the plotter just sits there looking at me


16,442 posts

270 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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Is the A4 printer plugged into the LPT1 port on the back of your PC?

As mentioned above, this method only works if the plotter is directly connected, not networked.


1,502 posts

262 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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You need to know which port the plotter's plugged into (from Start>Settings>Control Panel>System>Ports (COM&LPT), then amend the command appropriately.

BTW It probably still won't work kcufing windows


229 posts

266 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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if they wont send you the drawings (hence useless plot files) get them to send you PDF's, you can view and print but not edit?

Ive never managed to get anywhere with a plt file.
not that Ive bothered trying that hard !!!


682 posts

291 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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I have finished work today, but let me know if you are still really stuck on Monday.

I can talk to the ACAD I.T. chap, or if REALLY struggling you could Email the things over to me, then pick up some hard copies later in day.

Cheers, Phil


Original Poster:

13,316 posts

289 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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Cheers chaps, and Mrsd currently plotting them out via Viewcomp, got them big enough so the 'Evaluation copy' doesn't cause us to many problems at the quote stage, must get back to it as I can't go home till it's done

Paul V

4,489 posts

286 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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If you save them as a DXF them import them into cad you may be able to delete the text.

>> Edited by Paul V on Friday 30th May 17:22


12,425 posts

275 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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It's pretty simple. When I plot out of Pro/Engineer, *.plt files are generated too. To open or edit them, I simply rename them to *.ps . Now I can read them with Ghostscrpt (GSView) or edit them with The Gimp or Photoshop.
Of course, you can plot from all these application with #File #Print


19,438 posts

291 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Don't suppose this helps but we create .plt files and then plot them on a dedicated plotter. We haven't been able to view .plt files created previously without plotting them out on paper. If anyone can come up with a simple way of doing it I would be eternally grateful.


19,438 posts

291 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Don't suppose this helps but we create .plt files and then plot them on a dedicated plotter. We haven't been able to view .plt files created previously without plotting them out on paper. If anyone can come up with a simple way of doing it I would be eternally grateful.


12,425 posts

275 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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sagalout said: If anyone can come up with a simple way of doing it I would be eternally grateful.

See my previous post

Download Ghostview (GSView) eg. from here:

Rename the *.plt-file into a *.ps-file (eg. "plot_of_a_drawing.plt" into ""

Open the renamed file with GSView - finished. Now you can do virtually everything with the file what Acrobat Reader can do with *.pdf