Something very strange happened this morning...

Something very strange happened this morning...



Original Poster:

9,603 posts

266 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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I logged on to PH and my email as per usual and then left my computer for about an hour.

When I came back I had 2 "draft" emails open on my screen. Both to the same address (not one of my contacts or indeed anyone I recognise at all), but with nothing on them. I have checked my outbox and sent items and nothing has gone from my Outlook at least.

It is my home computer and no one else was in the house at the time.

Is it possible that someone may somehow have accessed my computer remotely for some nefarious reason or does anyone have any possible ideas for what could have happened?

Cheers from a very confused Phil


1,676 posts

273 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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Seriously though - the only likely explanation is a virus - there are quite a number which don't fulfil their potential around.


Original Poster:

9,603 posts

266 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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alunr said: ?

Seriously though - the only likely explanation is a virus - there are quite a number which don't fulfil their potential around.

Not the beer I'm afraid - any idea how to get rid of said possible virus? I am running Norton anti virus and it has been good so far!


9,646 posts

267 months

Saturday 31st May 2003
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Make sure all your virus definitions are are to date - to check run "Live Update". Then run a full system scan just to be sure.

Your virus program is only as good as the virus definitions you have installed so it is paramount to do this as often as possible. I am using Norton antivirus corporate edition and this has the facility to automate updates, so I set it to check for new virus definitions daily at 5am (my PC is always left on).

Finally if it was a virus (or a trojan - more likely) then Norton should find it as it is a "real-time" program and it just sits running in the background.

If you have broadband (or don't mind waiting for ages on a dial-up) and you have Kazaa installed you could do a search for Norton antivirus corporate edition v7.6 and download it for a trial.