BL@@DY Messenger



Original Poster:

3,999 posts

291 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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Messenger lost me hours yesterday tryig to stop it running in the background etc so it didn't cost us an arm and a leg with call charges from vodafone connect cards on a laptop in the Med.

For anyone else who finds it infuriating at work heres how to stop it.;en-us;302089

Excellant...although i haven't done it yet.


20,854 posts

284 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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I thought it was something you just weren't supposed to


10,857 posts

276 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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Er, no. You can stop it running if you don't want it to.

Most infuriating is when you start OE and it fires up. I've disbaled this on the home PC as Emma went to check her mail one evening and ended up gassing with CarZee for bloody hours. Can't have room service distracted y'know


Original Poster:

3,999 posts

291 months

Friday 30th May 2003
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I've got a PC I'm going to remove it off totally I'll let you know.

Renaming the messanger file under program files works too....confuses the little bligghter


9,261 posts

284 months

Friday 30th May 2003
quotequote all;en-us;302089

That seems far too much effort to me, I just renamed the folder it was in, or are we talking about the other Windows Messenger (ie. not MSN Messenger that tells you when you have e-mails, etc.)?