Advice needed re: homepage



Original Poster:

1,693 posts

241 months

Wednesday 28th May 2003
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Hello, i thought i would call on some of your experience. I want to make a homepage for myself where i can post a few pages of pics and text. Nothing too technical as i don't have a clue how html of flash works. My question is; which would be the simplest package to use where i can add text and pics, whilst not costing too much? Do i also need to arrange some sort of security for the site? Just somewhere where i can be me and tell people a bit about myself.
Thanks for any suggestions.


8,893 posts

276 months

Wednesday 28th May 2003
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Buy a guide and read it, you will have more fun that way. You will need Frontpage which usualy ships with Office Pro. If you have broadband then download some software.

Maybe Dreamweaver or such like!! You can get free demo copies on most web magazines, try .NET or Dreamweaver magazine.


9,396 posts

267 months

Wednesday 28th May 2003
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drop me a line for hosting we can sort you out for free

Mr E

22,215 posts

268 months

Thursday 29th May 2003
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If that is all you wish to do, create the page in Word and save it as HTML.....

Job done.

It was the only way my mother could get her head around it.....

I tend to write the guts in Vim/nedit and then use TSW webcoder to check the results.....