


Original Poster:

1,281 posts

266 months

Saturday 24th May 2003
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My NTL boradband internet connection (128) has started running VERY slow. Its worse than the 56kbs dial up connection with AOL (and thats saying something).

Anyone any ideas why? or how to fix it?

I suspect it could be because of someone downloading too much that NTL think we are taking the pi$$ and this is a form of revenge.


9,261 posts

284 months

Saturday 24th May 2003
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We have the same problem with our 600k service - in the evening we often give up trying to access web pages, and the TV keeps freezing aswell. We had an engineer come round, but he came at 4 o'clock so nothing was wrong when he came and he went on his merry way. Another engineer's coming round on Tuesday evening, if it isn't fixed after that we're quitting ntl.


1,947 posts

293 months

Saturday 24th May 2003
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Sounds to me that you both have bad boxes or connections in your front garden. I have had NTL for years and am on-line virtually 24/7 and have not had any of the problems you mention except for the very ocasional lack of service which was reported on their service status page:


Definately play up hell, get a new box try it and if it doesn't work get them to re-lay the line etc. You should not be having this kind of problem.

Hope that helps.


5,252 posts

276 months

Wednesday 28th May 2003
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I had this problem have you tried the obvious turning off the modem over night so that you get a new IP address and a new connection.

Hope this works or i think a nice letter of complaint to customer services saying that if the problem is not sorted within 5 days i will be switching to Sky Digital and BT services in th near future if this can not be resolved



Original Poster:

1,281 posts

266 months

Wednesday 28th May 2003
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It was a problem with my server in the end.
recently though for hours on end there has only been one green led on the box (should be too) and its always at a time i need the internet.
Thanks all anyway.


1,217 posts

288 months

Wednesday 28th May 2003
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I think the service depends very much on where you are.
I, like smeagol, have a connection in Leicester, and in the two years I have been with NTL, it has been pretty good (well when I've been there, and only had BB since mid Jan)
