Windows NT not talking to Windows 2000

Windows NT not talking to Windows 2000



Original Poster:

18,795 posts

277 months

Friday 23rd May 2003
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I've got a big headache with two servers not talking to each other. One is running WNT the other W2000 - is that likely to be the reason behind their lack of communication and is there any simple solution that does not involve reinstalling the system on one or both machines.


4,033 posts

279 months

Friday 23rd May 2003
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Maybe....and maybe not.

What do you mean by "not talking"?


1,826 posts

286 months

Friday 23rd May 2003
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Posted on the wrong forum.........


1,826 posts

286 months

Friday 23rd May 2003
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I've got a big headache with two servers not talking to each other. One is running WNT the other W2000 - is that likely to be the reason behind their lack of communication and is there any simple solution that does not involve reinstalling the system on one or both machines.

It could be something as simple as different workgroup/domain names or different IP address groups of the two servers. Do you have DCHP set up to automatically provide the IP address to the server/PC.


4,962 posts

265 months

Friday 23rd May 2003
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You need to define 'not talking'. There's a load of IT type people on here who will be able to help given something to go on.


8,893 posts

278 months

Saturday 24th May 2003
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How about some IP addresses, domains, workgroups etc. Come on give us some sort of clue.

I have a car, it won't start can you tell me what is wrong?


1,261 posts

274 months

Saturday 24th May 2003
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Do you mean authenticating to communicate? You can't run active directory on the W2K and it run smoothly with NT. Something to do with kerberus causing timeouts because NT doesn't know wtf is going on with most of the traffic it receives AFAIK...

The only way you can implement 2000 and NT in an enterprise is to add the 2000 servers as members to the NT domain, which is a bit pointless really.

More info req'


4,033 posts

279 months

Saturday 24th May 2003
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funkihamsta said: Do you mean authenticating to communicate? You can't run active directory on the W2K and it run smoothly with NT. Something to do with kerberus causing timeouts because NT doesn't know wtf is going on with most of the traffic it receives AFAIK...

The only way you can implement 2000 and NT in an enterprise is to add the 2000 servers as members to the NT domain, which is a bit pointless really.

More info req'

Not strictly true, but we don't want to get into a p*ssing contest do we


11,621 posts

278 months

Saturday 24th May 2003
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Load your 2000 Server as "Mixed Mode" instead of native. Sorry that this may entail a reload but...

it's in the documentation...

Also, when upgrading your older NT Servers to Win2k, PLEASE, upgrade the PDC first or you are just asking for a couple of all nighters...



4,962 posts

265 months

Monday 26th May 2003
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The original post didn't contain enough information to begin to solve the problem, as already stated.
Off topic I know, but you don't load windows 2000 computers in any particular mode. For the record, the operational mode applies to each domain in a w2k/2003 forest, and is only an issue should you want to introduce a legacy domain controller into a domain. Kerberos timeouts, inability to run NT 4.0 servers in a Win2k environment, all incorrect IMHO.