MP3 or Ogg Vorbis?



Original Poster:

12,425 posts

277 months

Thursday 22nd May 2003
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I'm just about to backup my CD collection on the computer, and I wonder what format to compress the files.

Which is better? *.mp3 or *.ogg?
I heard people say, that Ogg is more advanced than mp3, having a better quality while maintaining the same file size compared to mp3.
Does anyone have experience?


7,561 posts

276 months

Thursday 22nd May 2003
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If you don't care about the "freedom", open source and the like, go with MP3. Ogg is meant to give very good results, but you create more hassle for yourself if you ever get (say) an MP3 car headunit or home stereo component.

And as it's a job you'll only want to do once, for best quality follow the settings on (or when that's not working). Their VBR settings are as good as it gets with MP3.


Original Poster:

12,425 posts

277 months

Monday 26th May 2003
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Hi Simon, thanks for your reply. That link is really interesting, especially the tests with different compression rates.

As I don't have any mp3 hardware (I'm using MiniDisc in one car, and a non-mp3 capable CD-player in the other), I've decided for ogg. Especially because the only downside of ogg is the lack of hardware support, which I don't need yet.

Should I one day want to use ogg outside my computer, I've found out that several hardware vendors plan to introduce ogg-capable players, one of them is featured here:


1,991 posts

279 months

Monday 26th May 2003
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ogg Vorbis support is already available for the Rio empeg car player(alpha release)
They've stopped making them, but you can
still pick them up - try
as they appear from time to time.