10,000 Posts for NZ PHers

10,000 Posts for NZ PHers


Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Friday 22nd June 2007
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There's a milestone party

10,000 Posts for NZ PHers

We've ranted, laughed, cried, ranted some more, got confused (particularly by some of Roger's posts), shared the joy of new toys, ranted (thanks Helen), taken the p1ss out of TradeMe hopefuls, progressed from cursing LTSA to cursing LTNZ, (did I mention ranting), seen progress on a couple of builds, tried to help some welcome immigrants, seen Hampton Downs go from an idea to being granted consent & well under construction, there's been road-rage, weddings, photographs, natural disasters, Dunedin, children, unnatural disasters, the Greens, speeding tickets, television appearances, plus a thousand other things; and we've had a few fun drives . . .

Thanks very much Ted for the fantastic forum and CHEERS beer to all the local PHers for your advice, encouragement, opinions and funny stories thumbup


7,780 posts

254 months

Friday 22nd June 2007
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
weddings, natural disasters, Dunedin
Natural disasters: Dunedin, Weddings... tongue out

10,000 posts and we still haven’t convinced the government to build an Autobahn/Autostrade unlimited speed road?


4,391 posts

268 months

Friday 22nd June 2007
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•*´¯`*•.¸ ..(¯`*•.¸ WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!. ¸.•*´¯`*•*´¯`*•.¸

Goes to show PH culture is stronger than ever in Kiwi land biggrin

BTW go Team New Zealand - melt that swiss cheese in your wake!!

Edited by Kylie on Friday 22 June 03:21

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Friday 22nd June 2007
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Woohoo not bad considering Ozzie is on 901 tongue out

It's been fun not that I've been here all that time. Your an o.k bunch and generally well behaved biggrin Here's to the next 10,000 beer Graham for posting and to all who make NZPH'ers what it is drink


772 posts

294 months

Friday 22nd June 2007
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And it all started with me biglaugh

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Friday 22nd June 2007
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dejoux said:
And it all started with me biglaugh
Really? Can't search back that far.

I would have lost loser a bet that it was Esprit type


772 posts

294 months

Friday 22nd June 2007
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10 Sept 2000 vs 25 Sept 2000...bet him by a fortnight :P

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Friday 22nd June 2007
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dejoux said:
10 Sept 2000 vs 25 Sept 2000...bet him by a fortnight :P
Crikey thats like 7 years ago!


4,391 posts

268 months

Friday 22nd June 2007
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Ok so why did everyone join up PH in the first place? Did you buy new car, motor needing fixing, pass time talking to like minded individuals, friendships ??

To be honest I dont think I would be here today if it wernt for B Beauty. I knew that she wernt dime a dozen and with only one workshop in Auckland it could be an interesting ownership. So first thing I typed into google back then for Esprit forums bought me here. The Esprit forum here used to be the no.1 site, until a few others started up of late and kind of took over frown not a bad thing I guess. I have made some awesome mates over the years and the endless help I have had solving problems on the car has been huge. clapbow Onwards and upwards biggrin


6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 23rd June 2007
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Hehe yeah Paul was here a couple of weeks before me.

Strangely enough, I was a PHer before he was, I got into it through PikeyNet (Ben Pike's website) when I was drooling over his TVR antics... and I used to browse regularly.... but I was chatting to Paul on MSN one night and he told me you could sign up (I didn't know that at the time), and so I did... and it's been history ever since.

Still one of the best general motoring forums on the web, and one of the best all-round Elise forums out there... not as active or technical as SELOC, but more based around the enjoyment of ownership smile

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Saturday 23rd June 2007
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I joined when importing the Westie. Good combination of Kitcar advice and Local advice thumbup

It's quite relaxing coming here with less 'bling' than many other forums. Some are so busy with animations, pop-ups etc it would induce a seizure nuts


7,780 posts

254 months

Saturday 23rd June 2007
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
It's quite relaxing coming here with less 'bling' than many other forums. Some are so busy with animations, pop-ups etc it would induce a seizure nuts
You must be joking I’ve had that Peugeot advert jumping out at me every time I load the front page and every time my cursor gets near the Aston Martin thing half the screen is covered in an involuntary dropdown. curse

It did used to be better though frown.


6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 23rd June 2007
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speedy_thrills said:
Kiwi XTR2 said:
It's quite relaxing coming here with less 'bling' than many other forums. Some are so busy with animations, pop-ups etc it would induce a seizure nuts
You must be joking I’ve had that Peugeot advert jumping out at me every time I load the front page and every time my cursor gets near the Aston Martin thing half the screen is covered in an involuntary dropdown. curse

It did used to be better though frown.
Commercialisation gets to us all mate.

I prefer to chill out though, I'm sitting back here in my ChairWorks chair, sipping some Twinings tea and listening to my SONY sound system.


16,013 posts

241 months

Sunday 24th June 2007
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I think I joined up to chat with some car nuts who weren't blindly fixed on either (a)Jap turbo stuff or (b)V8s. Some people on PH have the sorts of cars I tend to aspire to but can't see myself being able to own anytime soon, so it seemed a good way to sortof share in others experiences of the cars. Think I've actually learnt quite a bit along the way too.

beer Heres to the next 10,000 posts! driving

(PH is also refreshingly free of the whinging/angry?emo teenagers you seem to get on some other forums. And focussed more on driving than posing (except for maybe the Ferrari forum hehe )

Edited by GravelBen on Sunday 24th June 00:46


42,678 posts

275 months

Sunday 24th June 2007
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Amatuers hehe


16,013 posts

241 months

Sunday 24th June 2007
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Esprit said:
...and listening to my SONY sound system.
Pah, SONY? amateur stuff. I prefer my Onkyo/Wharfdale/Yamaha setup wink


823 posts

295 months

Sunday 24th June 2007
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I appear to have a pathetic number of posts given my sign-up time of 82months!

I joined-up here from the old TVR list when people started to switch over.

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 24th June 2007
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Vixpy1 said:
Amatuers hehe
I forgot to mention some excellent PhotoShop piccies on Pie & Pistontongue out

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 24th June 2007
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GravelBen said:
. . . Some people on PH have the sorts of cars I tend to aspire to but can't see myself being able to own anytime soon, so it seemed a good way to sortof share in others experiences of the cars. . .
Love that Flemke thread cloud9


6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 24th June 2007
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GravelBen said:
Esprit said:
...and listening to my SONY sound system.
Pah, SONY? amateur stuff. I prefer my Onkyo/Wharfdale/Yamaha setup wink
I posted that from the office.... Sony mini-system as my work PC speakers smile Have something a little more hi-fi at home smile