PS2 Speakers



Original Poster:

1,420 posts

272 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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I'm looking to get some speakers to connect to my playstation2. Can anyone recommend any?

Currently the logic 3 soundstation is looking like my best bet for about £50 and I can attach them to my pc aswell. Does anyone have these?

All advice welcome.


1,029 posts

275 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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PC world are doing some rather good 5.1 HP speakers for £80 which a mate bought for around £150 last year. They sound great and though PS2 isnt 5.1 for games it is for DVD's .. buy it !! you know you want too !!


1,898 posts

270 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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How about getting your self down to Richer sounds picking up a cheap amp i.e. Cambridge audio A1 mk 3 and some speakers will blow most of the pc stile speakers away all in you could get a nice set up for 80 that will blow most pc speaker systems away or a bit more and some floor standards i.e. 100 all in and it will satisfy your gaming needs


Original Poster:

1,420 posts

272 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Thanks guys,
that has given me something to think about. I think I'll wait until going home for the summer before buying anything.


40,622 posts

293 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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I second going to Richer sounds, I just picked up a multy region Sony DVD for £99

If you enter their win a DVD player competition on their web site you have to enter your e-mail address. They then let you know via e-mail when they are having their shop clearouts. If you dont mind shop soiled goods you can pick up some real bargins.


5,785 posts

273 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Yep, Richer Sounds is definatly the way.

I've brought a few of those PS and PC speaker sets and they dont last too long and are not as good as spending £100 on a cheap amp and some speakers.