pop-ups.. again



Original Poster:

1,029 posts

275 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Does anyone know if XP is more susceptible to popups than an Win98 ?? On my newish XP laptop I get one every few minutes when im connected even if Im not actually viewing a web page, my old work Win98 pc hardly ever gets any and if it does its normally related to teh site im viewing. I use the same aol connection on both and have virus checkers but no firewall..any thoughts as these constant suggestions for 'weight loss' are really begining to get to me ..


4,045 posts

260 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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yes, 98 doesn't have a messenger service... you can stop it by going command line "net stop messenger"
but get a firewall and block ports 137 and 139 !


9,261 posts

284 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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You've got spyware on your computer, download ad-aware from here and keep it updated.
Now watch as about 10 people all say the same thing while I'm writing this...


Original Poster:

1,029 posts

275 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Thanks, will get both done when i get home


1,053 posts

267 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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wedg1e'sdaughter said: yes, 98 doesn't have a messenger service... you can stop it by going command line "net stop messenger"
but get a firewall and block ports 137 and 139 !

Yep, but unless you disable the messenger service it will do it again on reboot without the firewall. Disable it by right clicking my computer, select manage and go into services.


591 posts

271 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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Quite a few people have the DivX codec installed.

DivX basically compresses video clips to a really small size (they are like mp3 but for Video).

As it is a free download,
it is supported by the GAIN networks or something similar and these lead to the annoying pop ups.
(like search pages with reults you just typed in).

hope this helps,