Aren't computers brilliant



Original Poster:

19,435 posts

291 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Been working all morning on 2 drawings in Autocad. Clicked from 1 to the other before lunchtime and the first one just vanished. No "do you want to save", nothing. Not in the temp file, no autosave, nothing there at all.

mrs fish

30,018 posts

267 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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I hate it when that happens, I've lost work like that before and it just disappears into thin air.

Fat Audi 80

2,403 posts

260 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Is Autosave enabled and or do you .bak files anywhere??



14,706 posts

261 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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They always break down just in the middle of something desperatly improtant too! Think they do it just to annoy us!


4,045 posts

260 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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three words people...

save save save....

you will learn!!! I did the hard way!

Size Nine Elm

5,167 posts

293 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Been working all morning on 2 drawings in Autocad. Clicked from 1 to the other before lunchtime and the first one just vanished. No "do you want to save", nothing. Not in the temp file, no autosave, nothing there at all.

You need the Autocad 'Jesus' addin.

Everyone knows, Jesus saves...


2,254 posts

274 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Size Nine Elm said:

Everyone knows, Jesus saves...

But Beckham gets the rebound........


Original Poster:

19,435 posts

291 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Autosave normally cuts in afte 30 mins but that seems to have changed over the last few days(?). Now how do you reset that again.
Trouble is with so many computers on the server and things often being changed/moved etc stuff happens without you knowing it.....
One minute I'm drawing away and next I'm on PH again..

Big Al.

69,154 posts

267 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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sagalout said: Autosave normally cuts in afte 30 mins but that seems to have changed over the last few days(?). Now how do you reset that again.
Trouble is with so many computers on the server and things often being changed/moved etc stuff happens without you knowing it.....
One minute I'm drawing away and next I'm on PH again..

Go into
Select the Open and Save tab,
Amend save duration time in the File Safety Precautions Box.

Mr E

22,215 posts

268 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
quotequote all

Superflid said:

Size Nine Elm said:

Everyone knows, Jesus saves...

But Beckham gets the rebound........

No no no.

Jesus saves. But the truely enlightened make multiple external backups.....