computer help!



Original Poster:

14,706 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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Just wondering if any of you computer peeps can help me (well actually for my dad!!)
He's got a laptop - normal sized screen, probably around 1024 x 768 pixels, maybe a tad smaller but its only showing a screen area of 640x 480 pixels and wont let him change it like he can on the normal PC.
It is aso only allowing him to choose between 2 and 16 colours rather than true colour 24 etc.
It's got a Standard PCI Graphics adapter (VGA) andthe monitor is plug & play.
Don't know if any of that makes sence to any of you out there but hope you can help so I can get one up on my dad! lol! [dream mode]Maybe he'll buy me a car if I can fix it! [/dream mode]


27,273 posts

273 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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The problem is the graphics driver that is installed. Using the basic VGA adaptor driver will only ever give 640x480. You need to know:

1. The manufacturer and model of the video card in the laptop. You can find this by going to the Control Panel and into the System area where you should find the Device Manager. This should list the video card type.

2. The operating system - Windows 95, 98, NT, XP etc.

Then, go to the video card manufacturer's website and download the latest drivers for the graphics card / operating system combo you have.



7,485 posts

267 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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Lois, it sounds to me like he has got the wrong Display Driver.

The best place to get the right one is to download it from the manufacturers website. Once the correct driver has been loaded, more display options should be available i.e more colours and higher resolutions


1,452 posts

272 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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Sounds like a graphics driver problem. Do you know what graphics chip set the lap top uses? If so go to the relevant web site and download the latest drivers.

As another thought, you are not running in safe mode are you?


Original Poster:

14,706 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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miniman said: The problem is the graphics driver that is installed. Using the basic VGA adaptor driver will only ever give 640x480. You need to know:

1. The manufacturer and model of the video card in the laptop. You can find this by going to the Control Panel and into the System area where you should find the Device Manager. This should list the video card type.

2. The operating system - Windows 95, 98, NT, XP etc.

Then, go to the video card manufacturer's website and download the latest drivers for the graphics card / operating system combo you have.


Right - we did that but all it tells us is that it is a standard PCI graphics adapter (VGA)...this is looking in display adapters in system properties.


27,273 posts

273 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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lois22 said: Right - we did that but all it tells us is that it is a standard PCI graphics adapter (VGA)...this is looking in display adapters in system properties.

I'm guessing you are running Win 95 or early 98/NT then, as I recall that they could not figure out what the card manufacturer was properly. Do you have a handbook for the laptop? Alternatively, tell us what make and model the laptop is and we may be able to find out.


Original Poster:

14,706 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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Toshiba tecra 8000 windows 98SE is thats any help!


27,273 posts

273 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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lois22 said: Toshiba tecra 8000 windows 98SE is thats any help!

Try this:


Edit - to fix the URL and again to say just copy and paste the whole thing into your address bar.

>> Edited by miniman on Tuesday 20th May 22:57

>> Edited by miniman on Tuesday 20th May 22:58


Original Poster:

14,706 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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not my day today! really can't figure out that link!


27,273 posts

273 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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lois22 said: not my day today! really can't figure out that link!

OK, go to

Click "Computers" in the red area on the right
Click "Support and Downloads" on the navigation to the left, then click "Download Files"
Half way down the page on the right is a link "click hereto go to our archived driver section" - click it
A new window will pop up. Scroll down to Tecra 8000 and click it.
Click "T8000 WIN98 SYSTEM FILES"
Third from the end is the video drivers


Original Poster:

14,706 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th May 2003
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I'll give him the link, think he's gone to bed now!
You really seem to know what your talking about!!


Original Poster:

14,706 posts

263 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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WOOOOOOOO! It worked!
Thanks so much for your help!


5,420 posts

270 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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lois22 said:
You really seem to know what your talking about!!

Alot of PH'ers are in IT which is why they spend so much time on here

Good on em!!!


Original Poster:

14,706 posts

263 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Lois's dad here. Cheers for the advice, the Toshiba web site had drivers I needed, once found & downloaded it was easy going.

Once again many thanks.


27,273 posts

273 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Always a pleasure!


Original Poster:

14,706 posts

263 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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lois22 said: Lois's dad here. Cheers for the advice, the Toshiba web site had drivers I needed, once found & downloaded it was easy going.

Once again many thanks.

Oi! Whats my dad doing using my log in!


Original Poster:

14,706 posts

263 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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You sent me the link dear daughter