Download counter?



Original Poster:

6,931 posts

272 months

Saturday 17th May 2003
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I hope someone here may be able to help me!

I would like to add a download counter to some pages of my website to monitor how many people download a couple of files I have put up there - the problem is I don't have a clue where to start! All I would like to be able to do is add a line line "This file has been downloaded ??? times" after the link to the download. I have seached on google and found a few things that might be able to do this but I can't follow the descrptions of how to use them, I have no knowledge of scrpts or how to put them in a web page!

Can anyone point me in the direction of something that can do this for me? (At no cost!! )



10,005 posts

282 months

Saturday 17th May 2003
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this is the one I use, no adverts works well, just copy and paste the code they send, you do have to make an account but free to use


9,396 posts

267 months

Saturday 17th May 2003
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The posted counted is a page, not download counter..... very different beasty, take a look at you will probably find something on there


Original Poster:

6,931 posts

272 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Thanks, i have looked at the hotscrpts website and downloaded something i think will do the trick (if i can work out how to use it!)

Maybe this thread should be moved to the computers forum now?


67,280 posts

279 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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dontlift said: The posted counted is a page, not download counter..... very different beasty, take a look at you will probably find something on there

That site links to another site called FreakyDots which is an advertising placeholder


Original Poster:

6,931 posts

272 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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its supposed to be hotscr*i* but ted's filters remove the i.....


67,280 posts

279 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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Ahh I see!

Whys that then? Why get rid of the i?


4,490 posts

293 months

Wednesday 21st May 2003
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plotloss said: Ahh I see!

Whys that then? Why get rid of the i?

Its so people can't embed dodgy java 's and the like, if they could I assure you there would be some c*nt come along and put a post with a that fowards you to some crap porn site or some popup hell.