Z4 problems?

Z4 problems?



Original Poster:

4,551 posts

230 months

Monday 28th May 2007
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Hey guys don’t usually post on here about my Z4, its been as good as gold but recently I’ve been getting a few issues which I was wondering if you could help me out with.

I’ve got a 03 2.5 se SMG, still within years warranty and want to get a few things sorted before it runs out.

My first question about the SMG box.

Does anyone else with the SMG box get jittery (jumpy) starts when pulling away in first? It happens when the engine is warm or cold? Is this common in the old style SMG box to be jerky? Its fine when moving and I love the paddles but the dealership have had it twice and reset the ECU saying that it should re-adjust to my style of driving and it shouldn’t be jittery at all and can’t see where the problem is! Where do I stand with it? Can I claim that it is dangerous and unacceptable issue to have? When it’s wet and cold and you’re trying to go round a round about and it stutters and jumps it doesn’t inspire the driver with much confidence frown

Secondly can I do anything about my noisy hood? It’s the plastic panel behind the passenger. The dealership changed the rubbers but this solution did nothing, which I pointed out when I collected it. Has anyone else been able to fix the rattle (squeak)?

Finally a tyre question

I came from a MINI and was use to the harsh ride which comes from the R/F and didn’t think anything of it in the Z4. But since I bought the 182 I realised that run flats on the Z4 are ruining what could be a good ride. So what tyres would you recommend, I need them to last so nothing “just for summer”. Cost isn’t the main driver behind the purchase but if they come in below the 175 quid I’ve been quoted for run flats that would be great biggrin

Cheers guys



1,442 posts

271 months

Monday 28th May 2007
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I replaced my RFT with Michelin PS2 standard tyres. Much better on early Z4 than the RFT. My second Z4 is much better on the RFT tyres, so much so that I haven't felt the need to change them out yet.

The PS2 are an absolute delight after RFT's Smoother grippier and quieter all round.


1,038 posts

220 months

Monday 28th May 2007
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[quote=CooperS]Hey guys don’t usually post on here about my Z4, its been as good as gold but recently I’ve been getting a few issues which I was wondering if you could help me out with.

I’ve got a 03 2.5 se SMG, still within years warranty and want to get a few things sorted before it runs out.

My first question about the SMG box.

Does anyone else with the SMG box get jittery (jumpy) starts when pulling away in first? It happens when the engine is warm or cold? Is this common in the old style SMG box to be jerky? Its fine when moving and I love the paddles but the dealership have had it twice and reset the ECU saying that it should re-adjust to my style of driving and it shouldn’t be jittery at all and can’t see where the problem is! Where do I stand with it? Can I claim that it is dangerous and unacceptable issue to have? When it’s wet and cold and you’re trying to go round a round about and it stutters and jumps it doesn’t inspire the driver with much confidence frown

Secondly can I do anything about my noisy hood? It’s the plastic panel behind the passenger. The dealership changed the rubbers but this solution did nothing, which I pointed out when I collected it. Has anyone else been able to fix the rattle (squeak)?

Finally a tyre question

I came from a MINI and was use to the harsh ride which comes from the R/F and didn’t think anything of it in the Z4. But since I bought the 182 I realised that run flats on the Z4 are ruining what could be a good ride. So what tyres would you recommend, I need them to last so nothing “just for summer”. Cost isn’t the main driver behind the purchase but if they come in below the 175 quid I’ve been quoted for run flats that would be great biggrin

Cheers guys


One thing with SMG and pulling away is the kangaroo effect-it always happens when you pull across traffic.Quite normal..
What setting/program do you have it on?or is it SSG with the single button?

The hood is going to fixable-I do quite a few for creaks/rattkes from the panels behind the seats,center back etc-Make sure you go out for a road test with the guy who's going to look at it-you drive,that way he can look for the rattkes


Original Poster:

4,551 posts

230 months

Monday 28th May 2007
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blackspider said:
One thing with SMG and pulling away is the kangaroo effect-it always happens when you pull across traffic.Quite normal..
What setting/program do you have it on?or is it SSG with the single button?

The hood is going to fixable-I do quite a few for creaks/rattkes from the panels behind the seats,center back etc-Make sure you go out for a road test with the guy who's going to look at it-you drive,that way he can look for the rattkes
Cheers i'll look into those tyres, and i kinda guessed that the smg problem was a charactistic of the car.

Blackspider not to sure what setting i have it on i think its the SSG with the sports button on the side it not an auto with step for sure.

I'll book my car in soon and go with the tech

Cheers for the advice biggrin


1,038 posts

220 months

Tuesday 29th May 2007
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As I thought,SMG is fitted to the M power cars.

They should be able to iron out the clutch for SSG by resetting the adaptions if not by reprogram.