4x4 5 series estate suspension

4x4 5 series estate suspension



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919 posts

248 months

Sunday 27th May 2007
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On behalf of a guy from work. He has an H plate (i'm never sure of the e numbers) as above, which tbh i didn't even know they impoted to the UK. Being the age it is, it needs new rear suspension struts (he's managed to salvage most of the other bits) and can only so far get them from the local bmw dealer, but at a cost of over £1100. Needless to say that's a bit much to spend on a car worth barely half that, so i thought i'd ask on here for him if there's anywhere that'd be a good shot to try, or any good parts i,porteds from the continent, where i gather the 4x4 was a normal part of the range.

Cheers in advance.