BMW 193M Alloy Rims - How much?

BMW 193M Alloy Rims - How much?



Original Poster:

2,623 posts

252 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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My neigbour has these fitted to his new 325 and I think they would look amazing on my Z4.

Any one know how much BMW charge for 4x 18" new rims. Offsets and rims sizes seem the same.



9,586 posts

254 months

Sunday 27th May 2007
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I am fairly sure they are £1,,900 including tyres.

My dealer is offering 15% off that price.


Original Poster:

2,623 posts

252 months

Sunday 27th May 2007
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Thanks Catherine. I can get them for £1200 with tyres from Hopefully they can do the rims for around 2/3 of that.

I know they won't have run flat tyres, but that's a good thing. I am just after the rims as I can use my current Goodyear F1's anyway smile



9,586 posts

254 months

Sunday 27th May 2007
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Yes I've seen them advertising in Total BMW.

There prices for Hartge Wheels (which i'm interested in) are quite cheap when compared to other suppliers

Robin Hood

703 posts

216 months

Sunday 27th May 2007
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I bought new 18" M6 replica wheels and tyres for my '06 330 SE to get rid of the awful run-flats and the car is now transformed to my liking. I got them from for £650 in total including fitting, balancing and VAT smile

No connection, just a well satisfied customer.

Rochester BMW

3,313 posts

217 months

Monday 28th May 2007
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SE with an M Sport front bumper???

looks very nice, was you tempted by the 19's?

Robin Hood

703 posts

216 months

Monday 28th May 2007
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SE with a whole Motorsport kit actually, front bumper, rear bumper and sill covers. Sytner had an offer on @ £1200 painted and fitted so I had a portion smile

(Sold the ones that came off on ebay)


9,586 posts

254 months

Monday 28th May 2007
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Robin Hood said:
SE with a whole Motorsport kit actually, front bumper, rear bumper and sill covers. Sytner had an offer on @ £1200 painted and fitted so I had a portion smile

(Sold the ones that came off on ebay)
That is a good deal. I was quoted £1,500-£1,700 for the oem aero kit by my dealer including painting and fitting so that makes the M Sport one very good value.


3,637 posts

256 months

Monday 28th May 2007
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I would not fit replica wheels. 4* OE front M6 wheels will fit a E90/1/2/3.