What do you expect from an indie?

What do you expect from an indie?



Original Poster:

1,038 posts

220 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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What scope of service do you expect from an indie...Are you looking for quality or cheap,a full on dealer experience or Jeff in a barn.
Im writing a business plan and want as many sensible veiws as poss.


Edited by blackspider on Saturday 26th May 11:44


1,605 posts

229 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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Quality, cheap labour, experienced staff, OEM parts and honesty.


14,506 posts

226 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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I am not bothered about Jeff in barn, tbh my local indy is just that, but they are honest, reliable and remember my name and car too.

Speed addicted

5,815 posts

238 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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A more personal service than the largely faceless main dealer, cheaper than the main dealer, more likely to fix than replace when possible, and no piss taking with the bill.
Basic honesty and decent work is all I really want!

If they could avoid the trainee ragging the 330 round the yard/street it would be good too.


3,637 posts

256 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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Attention to detail/reliable/efficient. £50 per hour rate or whatever that is in aW speak.


14,123 posts

220 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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Has to be enthusiastic and know the marque. Especially the older stuff! It's also nice to have someone remember you when you return.

Its a shame your in Gloucestershire, I need a good indie but I'm in Lancaster.


2,093 posts

254 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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I'm toying with using my local indy as i haven't yet found a dealer that gives a toss, for me to want to stay wiht an Indy rather than use the stealer I would want them to be enthusiastic, not take the piss with the bill and above all listen to what I want and not rely on the usual trade bullshit


829 posts

220 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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I would echo most of the above comments. I'd be looking for someone with knowledge, experience, who is enthusiastic and inspires confidence.

Rock bottom labour rates aren't the be all and end all for me, I don't mind paying a bit extra for a quality service, but it would have to be a good bit cheaper than my local main dealer to persuade me to change, as I've always had good service from them.

Edited by M5Dave on Saturday 26th May 14:14


1,206 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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If you pop in to Gloucester BMW Specialists just off the Eastern Avenue in Gloucester you'll find a good Indie, have a chat with them and see what makes them tick.

From experience ; good labour rates, no BS, quick, knowledgeable about all BMs, use OEM parts, and don't do un-authorised work. They also focus on the Mechanics/Electrics - not bodywork.

Pickled Piper

6,407 posts

246 months

Sunday 27th May 2007
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I just took my car to an Indy for the first time after about nine years of main dealer servicing.

Jeff in a barn is just fine. I want to talk to the mechanic that was under my car not a service receptionist. They must have the knowledge and experience to assess and diagnose any current and potential faults as well as the knowledge to recommend OE or aftermarket parts. I should leave with a detailled tick sheet showing what has been cheched and any advisory items.

Pricing should undercut BMW Four plus rates.

I don't want frothy coffee, a widescreen TV or anybody to wash and vac my car. I'd rather have lower rates.

I've used several Indies to look after other cars. In my experience once they get larger than two or three man operations.The advantage over a main dealer starts to diminish.


Edited by Pickled Piper on Sunday 27th May 09:15


4,350 posts

225 months

Sunday 27th May 2007
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As a long time avoider of main dealers, there's a couple of reference points I've used who I'd recommend you look at;

Munich Legends - love 'em or loathe them (I love 'em btw), they are very successful. Why? IMHO as a customer, they are friendly, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, obsessive in detail, and always have plenty of silly stuff kicking around to dribble over while they fettle your P&J

White Cottage Quattros - bit of an unknown outside the UR-quattro scene, Pete is very much an 'in-the-barn' type. However, he too is an obsessive with huge knowledge, friendly, mad as brush.

The common denominator for these two, and the others I've used, is always trust.

Trust builds a reputation, a loyal customer base, and word of mouth referrals.

You can be working out of your kitchen, but if people trust you, they'll be back time and time again.

Things I like about Indies are;

Price (obviously)
Maturity - I don't want the work experience monkey touching my car, thanks
Contact - I want to be able to speak to the Tech servicing my car if I so desire

Environment - I don't want a fancy coffee bar and a copy of the FT. Some yellowing posters of racing M3s and M1 Procars, an old sofa, copies of Evo, and a kettle is all you need.

Comprehensive explanations - about building trust. I want to know where my £xxx has gone. Something you never get with dealers.

Learn to turn business down where necessary - both to save customers unnecessary expense, and also to avoid the dog-jobs which you'll never get anywhere with and they'll bitch about you all over the internet.

Specialisation - sticking to ///M cars and Alpinas mean you'll have a steady stream of people who (in theory) will take great pride in their car and spend appropriately. The shorter service intervals on the ///M cars also means more business.

Courtesy Cars - get some proper courtesy cars. E30 318is, 325i Sport, E28 528i etc... To me, an immaculate fleet of semi-classics as above speaks volumes about the operation you run.


17,113 posts

275 months

Sunday 27th May 2007
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Trust me, if you set up and you do it Glos', I'll be one of your first customers - you have given some excellent advice over the last year you've been here, and I'd be very keen to ensure that I reciprocate the favour if I can.

Look forward to supporting you if I can biggrin

Big Al.

69,185 posts

269 months