BMW 535 Head gasket

BMW 535 Head gasket



Original Poster:

474 posts

225 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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I have a 535 e34 with a head gasket leak. I've been quoted more than the cars worth to get it fixed. Therefore instead of just scrapping it I thought I would give it a go myself as there is little to lose.

Looking at it the really difficult bits appear to be dropping the timing chain & actually lifting the head.

Anybody got any experience of this.



1,038 posts

220 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
quotequote all
[quote=(steven)]I have a 535 e34 with a head gasket leak. I've been quoted more than the cars worth to get it fixed. Therefore instead of just scrapping it I thought I would give it a go myself as there is little to lose.

Looking at it the really difficult bits appear to be dropping the timing chain & actually lifting the head.

Anybody got any experience of this.


They arent as bad as the latest to replace,but you will need special to set the camshaft/lock it up,one to force the chain tensioner back which goes down inside the timing cover,one to lock the timing chain tensioner and one to lock the flywheel,a tourque wrench,an angle gauge for the head bolts and the timing pully bolt.
You may need to have the gasket measured to see which thickness you need,new head bolts must be fitted.


Original Poster:

474 posts

225 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
quotequote all
Cheers for the reply. You mention a set of special tools, where can I get these from? The haynes manual doesn't mention any of these, it just "suggests" I try not to get the timing wrong. Being able to lock the engine sounds much better.




1,038 posts

220 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
quotequote all
[quote=(steven)]Cheers for the reply. You mention a set of special tools, where can I get these from? The haynes manual doesn't mention any of these, it just "suggests" I try not to get the timing wrong. Being able to lock the engine sounds much better.



Sykes probabely-I work for a dealer so we already have them