nice BMW 7 series 728i - reliable?

nice BMW 7 series 728i - reliable?



Original Poster:

3,584 posts

251 months

Friday 25th May 2007
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I have been looking at a really nice BMW 7 series 728i

Its done about 104,000 mile and drives like a new car…

Were there engine problems with these? If so what do I check?

also, anything else to look out for before i part with the cash?

cheers all


2,616 posts

223 months

Friday 25th May 2007
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You might want to grab a copy of Junes 'Total BMW' magazine. As I noticed it has a 7 series (E38) buyers guide in it. Appears to cover the 728 also..
Must be worth a look?



269 posts

244 months

Friday 25th May 2007
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Original Poster:

3,584 posts

251 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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Thanks bothm will look out for the magazine!

the car looks great but its 250 mile away and there are som good ones local.
i may go for a 1999 car to avoide the nikasill issues although i have seen a 1998 car that is just what i want and has had a new engine fitted.

going to look at it today, will report back!


165 posts

233 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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My father has done 175,000 miles in his 1998 728 and other than routine servicing has needed nothing. Still on original engine/box/steering/suspension. Once it was out of warranty it has been serviced at a decent independant and costs peanuts to keep and he'll run it till it dies as its worth nothing now anyway. It average's 27mpg and is fast enough most of the time, I've borrowed it lots and it still drives as good as the day he had and is a nice relaxing drive and will sit at high speeds in total comfort for hours at a time and give decent MPG, so can't praise them enough really.

Top pup

314 posts

217 months

Saturday 26th May 2007
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My brother's had one for four or five years now, in that time it's only needed two front srings and a water pump aside from general wear and tear items. As for the niksil issue it's a 96 car and it's still on the original engine and never given any problems.