E 46. CI 318 Cab. Hessitation

E 46. CI 318 Cab. Hessitation


bill j

Original Poster:

8 posts

226 months

Thursday 24th May 2007
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Is anyone experiencing this problem with their car when they first pull away from rest, the car has a very minor hessitation / flat spot. The car has been like this since new (2 Years old now, 15K on the clock) it has been in the dealers 6 or 7 times and they reprogrammed ECU with two different programmes, and every time they have reset the adaptive values, things have improved since new but the fault is still there, i find using shell V power fuel makes it slightly smoother. Anyone having same problems?


3,637 posts

256 months

Friday 25th May 2007
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bill j said:
Is anyone experiencing this problem with their car when they first pull away from rest, the car has a very minor hessitation / flat spot. The car has been like this since new (2 Years old now, 15K on the clock) it has been in the dealers 6 or 7 times and they reprogrammed ECU with two different programmes, and every time they have reset the adaptive values, things have improved since new but the fault is still there, i find using shell V power fuel makes it slightly smoother. Anyone having same problems?
I had the same problem with mine. Numerous DME updates over two years...didn't fix it 100%. Got fed up and went for a 330 instead.


1,038 posts

220 months

Friday 25th May 2007
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They may want to try an air mass meter