Buying and running an old 635, any advice?

Buying and running an old 635, any advice?



Original Poster:

2,044 posts

237 months

Thursday 24th May 2007
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Hi all - looking for some advice. I've been looking for a nice cheap modern(ish) auto saloon for use on days when either the weather is too bad for the TVR or when I just want to potter about with a bit of comfort.

I've just seen a 1979 635 CSiA auto in Autotrader, which is obviously absolutely not what I was looking for - but I'm tempted. It's Henna red, cream leather with 73k. It looks immaculate from the photos and the ad states that £4500 has been sent "on original BMW parts" in the last 2 years. It also still has its original Northern Ireland registration of '*** 635', which is nice. Price £3950.

Am I mad? What are these like to run and look after? If I were to buy it it wouldn't be my main car but it would be used all year round in all weathers, also it would not be garaged. It wouldn't be abused or neglected though.

What should I look for & what questions should I ask if I go to look at it? I don't know much about these.

Should I forget the idea and continue looking for a nice X300 XJ6 or Alfa 166?



Denis O

2,141 posts

254 months

Thursday 24th May 2007
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Have a look on page 3 of this section. This discussion was done about a week ago.

Egbert Nobacon

2,835 posts

254 months

Thursday 24th May 2007
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Denis O said:
Have a look on page 3 of this section. This discussion was done about a week ago.
RUST sums that thread up I think smile