Turbo problems on e39 530d

Turbo problems on e39 530d



Original Poster:

13 posts

214 months

Wednesday 23rd May 2007
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I want to know if this is a common thing . I live in Romania , i drive a e39 530d 5/d 2002 , bought it new . 2 weeks before the 2 year warranty expires , i start to hear a sound from the engine . I go to BMW representative service in my town , there is no problem , it's normal . 1 month later , turbine blows . 2000euro new turbo and oil change and all those things . I had 57000km that time , and i dont say i drive slow , but i also took good care of the engine .

Another fun part of this is that BMW will see the turbine and maybe i get money back from postwarranty , being one month old from 2year . Well i kept calling at my towns service , and after half a year i stopped. They had no answer from germany or so . I just hope they got me a new turbo , not repairing mine .

Is this a common thing for these engines? I got 2 friends with same engine , they both had trouble with turbo .


1,038 posts

220 months

Thursday 24th May 2007
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z3n0mal4 said:
I want to know if this is a common thing . I live in Romania , i drive a e39 530d 5/d 2002 , bought it new . 2 weeks before the 2 year warranty expires , i start to hear a sound from the engine . I go to BMW representative service in my town , there is no problem , it's normal . 1 month later , turbine blows . 2000euro new turbo and oil change and all those things . I had 57000km that time , and i dont say i drive slow , but i also took good care of the engine .

Another fun part of this is that BMW will see the turbine and maybe i get money back from postwarranty , being one month old from 2year . Well i kept calling at my towns service , and after half a year i stopped. They had no answer from germany or so . I just hope they got me a new turbo , not repairing mine .

Is this a common thing for these engines? I got 2 friends with same engine , they both had trouble with turbo .
Over here we have a thing called GOODWILL...Sometimes(more often than not)BMW will help with the cost of the repair-not always 100% but a help with the parts or labour cost,as long as the car has full history etc.

We do see turbo's fail but its becoming rare as the problem is generally caused something else-normally the crankcase breather filter being blocked.