E36coupe.com help please!

E36coupe.com help please!


GTS Turbo

Original Poster:

246 posts

236 months

Wednesday 23rd May 2007
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hey peeps. i seem to remember reading somewhere that a admin from E36coupe.com lurks here.

basically i'm a bit of a twit and for some reason the site stopped letting me log in so i re-registered then the same happened again! so i stopped bothering with the site.

anyway now i can't even remember my login and have no way to retrieve my password or log in and i don't want to go get an e-mail address just to use on that one site! i can't use my old 2 addresses cos it just tells me there already used!

if the admin is about can i contact you direct and sort it out or if someone has an e-mail addy to an admin or something?

cheers people smile