Setting E46 options without going back to dealer

Setting E46 options without going back to dealer



Original Poster:

1,271 posts

224 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2007
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Can E46 options be set through the radio display like doors locking on driving away etc? I've setup the speed sensitive volume this way.

There are about 10 options that can be set from locking doors to driving away, to how the alarm indicates if it's activiated/deactiviated when you open it etc.


582 posts

224 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2007
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Those functions are dealer set only. Or you need someone with the Carsoft BMW software + laptop and lead to connect to the diagnostics port and change the settings.


14,506 posts

226 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2007
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Either that or see if any local specialists have autologic.

I have always wondered why some chinese companies don't take the GT1 interface, reverse engineer it and sell it cheaply for home users.