840Ci buying advice

840Ci buying advice



Original Poster:

15,169 posts

245 months

Monday 21st May 2007
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Hi folks;

I'm thinking about getting back in a beemer as a daily driver again but one that's a bit different, one I've always loved but never owned, an 840Ci.

I've heard that the electronic/hydraulic damper system can be really expensive on some models but some cars have regular dampers, can the hydrailic jobbies be replaced with standard dampers?

Are there any other common faults to look for on these cars?


833 posts

228 months

Monday 21st May 2007
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AFAIK only the 850 had the electronic damper assistance. Make sure all the toys work and it's got a sound Dealer / Specialist service history with stacks of reciepts. Check out www.clubE31 for all the info you need.


909 posts

244 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2007
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SOme 840 were, indeed, fitted with EDC. It is fairly robust and reliable but starts to show its age at around 80k miles. By 100k+, it can start to lose a little control and become wallowy. It is possible to replace the front shocks with strut inserts. Its a bit fiddly and involves removing the EDC innards but is perfectly possible. The rears are a straight swap. I always recommend Bilstein sports as I have never found anything to compare in terms of comfort and control. Personally, I much prefer the Bilsteins to EDC.

Other suspension and steering parts take a hammering on these heavy cars. Look for worn control arm bushes (upper & lower), worn track rod ends (both ends!), worn idler arm bushes and worn rear trailing arm bushes. Nothing is particularly expensive but all these things add up to a very sloppy car!


Original Poster:

15,169 posts

245 months

Wednesday 23rd May 2007
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Thanks chaps, so nothing horrific then.

Pretty much similar in common faults to the E34s I used to own (again a heavy car so hard on bushes etc).

Is the 840 engine reliable, no known issues?

Is it used in any other models?


522 posts

242 months

Wednesday 23rd May 2007
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Basically, yes, reliable. Early 4 litre cars had the Nikasil liners which suffered premature wear, but most should have been sorted ages ago. Later 4.4 cars didn't have this issue.

The engines are also used in 5 and 7 series cars of the same age.

I've read that you should get 200k out of the engines before any serious work is needed, as long as they've been maintained. Mine's done 121k and is spot on, no oil use at all.

I'd echo what's been said - they are heavy cars so suspension does take a hammering. Also bear in mind that there aren't many around, and few parts get made outside BMW's control, so spares tend to be fairly pricey.

Cracking cars though!

Mine's for sale at the moment. PM me if you'd like some more info.