E31 850i Buying info

E31 850i Buying info



Original Poster:

113 posts

228 months

Sunday 20th May 2007
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Im going to look at a 1991 BMW 850i tomorrow, does anyone know of any specific things I should look out for ? Its covered 118,000 miles with FSH.


6,992 posts

256 months

Sunday 20th May 2007
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Get it checked over by a specialist that understands these cars....no other way, or u could end up with a nightmare!


12,425 posts

277 months

Sunday 20th May 2007
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excellent resource here: www.bmw850.de/


909 posts

244 months

Sunday 20th May 2007
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Where is the car? I know these cars inside out and am happy to take a look for you if it is anywhere near me!
Email me if you want a chat about what to look for.

Edited by talkwrench on Sunday 20th May 18:15