120D 18* Wheel Tyre Pressures

120D 18* Wheel Tyre Pressures



Original Poster:

9,586 posts

254 months

Saturday 19th May 2007
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Can anyone tell me what the definative tyre pressures should be for a 120D with 18* wheels (as per the 130i).

Our new facelift car was delivered on Tuesday and I wanted to check that the tyre pressures were correct as I know when the X5 and Z4C were delivered they weren't.

The label on the door pillar suggests it should be 39 at the rear and 33 at the front. The car was pretty much running at these pressures and only needed a slight adjustment, but I wanted to check that we are correct, the pressure for the back ones seams quite high. I should add that now BMW have re-tuned the suspension the car is very good in the ride department despite having run flats.


1,607 posts

295 months

Sunday 20th May 2007
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My 130i M recommends 32psi front and 36psi rear when lightly loaded, on the label on the driver's door jam; 39psi at the rear when fully loaded. I use the lower pressures, as there's rarely more than two people in the car at a time.



Original Poster:

9,586 posts

254 months

Sunday 20th May 2007
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pete said:
My 130i M recommends 32psi front and 36psi rear when lightly loaded, on the label on the driver's door jam; 39psi at the rear when fully loaded. I use the lower pressures, as there's rarely more than two people in the car at a time.


Thanks pete, I might give those a whirl. Like you I more often than not will have 1 person in the front and maybe a bit of stuff in the boot.