Camshaft sensor - how much to do ?`

Camshaft sensor - how much to do ?`



Original Poster:

732 posts

263 months

Saturday 19th May 2007
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I'm told my inlet camshaft sensor is failing (loss of power , harder to start) IT's been on the diagnostic.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this and how much it cost to get done - parts and labour ?

Also on a servicing theme - what kind of oil has to go into a 523 (Yr 2000 auto) and roughly how much does it cost ?

thanks in advance.


4,908 posts

266 months

Saturday 19th May 2007
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Replacing a cam-sensor means undoing one M6 screw and pulling the old sensor out. Unclip from wiring harness, then repeat in reverse for the new sensor.

Five minutes would be generous (including time for a cuppa tea).

Seriously, you could do it yourself. I can't think of anything easier.



1,038 posts

220 months

Sunday 20th May 2007
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bor said:
Replacing a cam-sensor means undoing one M6 screw and pulling the old sensor out. Unclip from wiring harness, then repeat in reverse for the new sensor.

Five minutes would be generous (including time for a cuppa tea).

Seriously, you could do it yourself. I can't think of anything easier.


You also need to remove the small top engine cover,unclip electrical connector and remove the vanos solenoid(32mm),The 5mm allen screw will be lock tight in so its tight to come out and depending on you arms and working blind you need to reach down to undo an electrical connector for the sensor-its at the bottom of the inlet manifold-if you cant reach it then you need to take the air filter housing out.