Allen PMW, Pershore, Worcestershire

Allen PMW, Pershore, Worcestershire


Pickled Piper

Original Poster:

6,407 posts

246 months

Saturday 19th May 2007
quotequote all
I can't remember who on this forum gave me the recommendation for the above independent garage. Who ever it was thanks very much.

Just picked up my car; excellent work carried out with meticulous detail at a good price.

No affiliation just a satisfied customer.

tel 01386 55 56 57



6,992 posts

256 months

Saturday 19th May 2007
quotequote all
Yep Phils a top man!

Very professional, knowledgable and reasonable

After its next oil service the 52 plate E39 525i will be entrusted with him (Sterns arn't what they used to be and thats coming from a customer of over 15yrs(


Edited by mustard on Saturday 19th May 14:06


14,506 posts

226 months

Saturday 19th May 2007
quotequote all
Which diagnostic gear does he use?

Pickled Piper

Original Poster:

6,407 posts

246 months

Saturday 19th May 2007
quotequote all
jamoor said:
Which diagnostic gear does he use?

No idea. Give him (Phil) a call. I'm sure he would tell you.
