bmw M roadster v' M Coupe

bmw M roadster v' M Coupe



Original Poster:

324 posts

226 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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Hi guys.

I'm considering purchasing an M roadster or an M Coupe within the next few months. I've recently sold my 328i sport which was nice and have had M cars before, so I have a good idea of them, however I'm keen to hear peoples thoughts on these particular cars.

The coupe tends to be a bit more expensive (i guess being a more driver focused car), however for me its only going to be a weekend toy as I commute using the train to work.

I look forward to your thoughts


G Man

4,053 posts

271 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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Depreciation is horrendous


9,586 posts

254 months

Saturday 19th May 2007
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Andrew are you talking about the new Z4M and Z4CM?


Original Poster:

324 posts

226 months

Monday 21st May 2007
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No I'm referring to the Z3 M roadster and M Coupe.

Anyone have any experiences that they'd like to share.

Have approx £15k to spend.

Andrew D

968 posts

251 months

Monday 21st May 2007
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Ah, difficult choice.

I'm not sure there's much in it in terms of "focus", although the Coupe will likely be marginally more composed on the edge round a track. But then the Z3 is a little crude in handling terms so I wouldn't worry too much about that.

I think the Coupe will be regarded as a more "special" car, simply due to the fact that (in the UK) it's an M-only car. But then it lacks convertibility and commands a slight premium.

With you budget I think I'd be inclined to get a Roadster in good condition, as it probably won't stretch to a S54-engined (post-2001) example so you'll need one that hasn't been thrashed.