Quickie - E36 Coupe exhaust heatshield

Quickie - E36 Coupe exhaust heatshield



Original Poster:

17,113 posts

275 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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My heatshield has finally given up the ghost and dropped down onto the exhaust.

Now I'm sure I can fix it with some decent washers etc, is this advisable?

If not, anyone any idea of cost, and whether its a bastard of a job - I'm assuming I need to drop the exhaust down?


7,897 posts

231 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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Original Poster:

17,113 posts

275 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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r5gttgaz said:

Yes, I know about that...

Not a lot of help really when it comes to my actual question is it?

I've already found the part no: 51488119049 and its $289 on the realoem site - hence I'll probably try to repair.

Seeing as its only holes in the aluminum, I'm fairly sure a decent repair with washers can be done?

These pics are the thing in question...


7,897 posts

231 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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The heat shield looks in remarkable condition in those pics, I'd just refit it.


6,695 posts

250 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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My local BMW indie usese progressively larger penny washers for this remedy.


Original Poster:

17,113 posts

275 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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r5gttgaz said:
The heat shield looks in remarkable condition in those pics, I'd just refit it.

thats not mine, just some random pic off the net of one, however going on Stu's comment, if its good enough for specialists, then its good enough for me.

I've access to a pit too, so hopefully fairly painless to do....

Edited by Neil_Bolton on Friday 18th May 18:43


1,038 posts

220 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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Tats common throughout the range-we just put oversize washers in and advise...To replace is a bit of an over repair


2,064 posts

219 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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Original Poster:

17,113 posts

275 months

Friday 18th May 2007
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blackspider said:
Tats common throughout the range-we just put oversize washers in and advise...To replace is a bit of an over repair

Thanks mate thumbup always handy to know what the official line is