E39 rear wiper

E39 rear wiper



Original Poster:

13,891 posts

280 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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Can anyone tell me where to start looking/what the likely culprit is to get my rear wiper working again.

It died slowly. Initially it would wipe 3/4 of the screen wait a while then return to park. It did this for a few months then there was no wipe but the washer worked.

Now there's no wipe and no washer. I can't see any blown fuses so anyone any ideas???

Edited by dave_s13 on Wednesday 16th May 22:50


2,064 posts

219 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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Motor me thinks.


39,846 posts

280 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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As Mr. Evo says - sounds like the motor to me too yes


1,038 posts

220 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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Pop open the glass and see how freely the wiper moves across the screen,just move it with your hand-The spindle has a habbit on these of corroding and siezing,this then has a knock on effect by killing the motor which is in the tail gate and then at worst it kills the relay insinde the general module.
If the blade is tight the repair there can be nasty if the torx screw doesnt come out of the button housing-you then need all of it(button,spindle and housing)
The motor needs 12v put to it to see if it will wake up or wheher it has died.
After that its testing the General module and replacing/coding


Original Poster:

13,891 posts

280 months

Thursday 17th May 2007
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Cheers for that.

The wiper was very difficult to move by hand so I suspect the worst case scenario may be on the cards. Bit of a crap design isn't it? Why doesn't a simple fuse blow before buggering up what sounds like an expensive peice of electronics?

One more nugget of info required if you can. Where's the general module live and is it an easy DIY fit? You say it needs re-oding though I take it that's dealer (or indy) only?


1,038 posts

220 months

Thursday 17th May 2007
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dave_s13 said:
Cheers for that.

The wiper was very difficult to move by hand so I suspect the worst case scenario may be on the cards. Bit of a crap design isn't it? Why doesn't a simple fuse blow before buggering up what sounds like an expensive peice of electronics?

One more nugget of info required if you can. Where's the general module live and is it an easy DIY fit? You say it needs re-oding though I take it that's dealer (or indy) only?

The fuses to check are 55 in the right hand side of the boot behind panel & soundproofing and also 43 in the glove box.
The motor is more likely to be next inline to fail as it has its own control unit attached then the GM
The GM is behind the glove box,easy to fit but it does need coding by a stealer or an indie with a GT1

Edited by blackspider on Thursday 17th May 12:36


Original Poster:

13,891 posts

280 months

Thursday 17th May 2007
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blackspider said:
dave_s13 said:
Cheers for that.

The wiper was very difficult to move by hand so I suspect the worst case scenario may be on the cards. Bit of a crap design isn't it? Why doesn't a simple fuse blow before buggering up what sounds like an expensive peice of electronics?

One more nugget of info required if you can. Where's the general module live and is it an easy DIY fit? You say it needs re-oding though I take it that's dealer (or indy) only?

The fuses to check are 55 in the right hand side of the boot behind panel & soundproofing and also 43 in the glove box.
The motor is more likely to be next inline to fail as it has its own control unit attached then the GM
The GM is behind the glove box,easy to fit but it does need coding by a stealer or an indie with a GT1

Edited by blackspider on Thursday 17th May 12:36

Cheers for that m8.

Wish you well in setting up on your own (I seem to remember you said it somewhere?) just wish it was up north!