Urgent Valuation Please

Urgent Valuation Please



Original Poster:

2,424 posts

264 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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I would appreciate people's thoughts on the trade in/private sale value of a 135K miles, 52 plate 330Ci Auto, couple of options, pretty good condition overall.

I have been to Parkers and autotrader and it seems there are not many around at this mileage so difficult to benchmark.

All thoughts appreciated,


3,637 posts

256 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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x5x3 said:
I would appreciate people's thoughts on the trade in/private sale value of a 135K miles, 52 plate 330Ci Auto, couple of options, pretty good condition overall.

I have been to Parkers and autotrader and it seems there are not many around at this mileage so difficult to benchmark.

All thoughts appreciated,

Hi mate,

Using Glasses off the Vauxhall site...


If it is a 330ci Sport Auto...£8k-£8.9k
If it is a 330ci Auto....£7.4k-8.2k


Original Poster:

2,424 posts

264 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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thanks for that link - that is good value for money!