CD Changer position in an E92

CD Changer position in an E92



Original Poster:

9,586 posts

254 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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Please can someone tell me where you would fit a cd changer in a E92 coupe.

Does it take a standard 6 disc changer or is it a special fit item for something like an armrest.


2,319 posts

216 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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Mines in the boot,left hand side.


1,733 posts

223 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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just thought I would mention.....

Ive just been down this route as my car only had a single cd player , I looked at getting a 6cd but I ended up spending £52 on an ipod instead, I got a 12v lead to power it so I dont have to take it out to charge ie and permanantly wired it all in, double sided taped ipod to the dash to the l/h/side of the dvd drive for the nav, It fits perfect and hid all the wires under the centre console ..looks like it belongs there and works a treat.