5 series Touring.

5 series Touring.



Original Poster:

540 posts

226 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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E39 shape the boot cover is jammed on one side,the button is stuck down and the whole thing will not come out.The left side unclips perfectly but not the right.Any suggestions?Also can anyone recommend any independant garages around south manchester.I know there is one in sale but I do not know their reputation,cheers.

Edited by scruffy101 on Wednesday 16th May 07:55

Scamp's Walker

314 posts

220 months

Thursday 17th May 2007
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Did you fix it? When you don't pull the two sides out together one side sometimes clicks back in1 have you tried putting the other side back in and pushingg them both back together onto their clips? The clips themselves seem quite solid so they will probably take a good shove!


Original Poster:

540 posts

226 months

Thursday 17th May 2007
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Did it, WD40and a flat screwdriver.I will be honest,it wasnt pretty but I think I taught it a lesson it wont forget.