330 C d m Convertable

330 C d m Convertable



Original Poster:

2,254 posts

294 months

Tuesday 15th May 2007
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Hello, I am just about to buy a September 05 330cdm convertable. I'm curious to know excatly which engine it will have as I know there where some changes to the 3l diesel I'm assuming it'll be the 204BHP version? also can anyone point me to good site that has info. specs etc. on cars that are no longer produced.



1,605 posts

229 months

Tuesday 15th May 2007
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All coupe and convertible e46 330d's use the 204bhp M57N engine.

www.parkers.co.uk should provide you with specs.


Original Poster:

2,254 posts

294 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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NickXX said:
All coupe and convertible e46 330d's use the 204bhp M57N engine.

www.parkers.co.uk should provide you with specs.

Excellant thanks very much - I thought you had to pay for all the info but most of it is free.