E60 530d Sport 2005 Tuning

E60 530d Sport 2005 Tuning



Original Poster:

2 posts

214 months

Tuesday 15th May 2007
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I have been advised that to answer a question on the above mentioned, this is the forum....

I've just purchased the car and its been suggested that I get it modified to increase its overall performance, particularly the torque and BHP. I've looked on the Internet and its a minefield of what you come up against as there's so much to choose from. I've whittled it down to 2 suppliers, DMS in Andover and AMD-Technik in Dartford. In terms or price, AMD-Technik all in remapping is £499. DMS are saying £695 plus VAT. Does anyone have any experiences they can share with me, either with using the companies or whether remapping, chip, plug-in etc is best. Complete loss here...help!! They are both saying that remapping is not identifiable.


3 posts

214 months

Tuesday 15th May 2007
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Not sure what they mean by unidentifiable. If the $tealer takes a remapped car for a test drive he will be able to tell. Also with major software upgrades on Progman e.g. for ipod connection or idrive errors then remap will be spotted. Should not make difference to warrantee but BMW could be difficult if they want to.

I will do on mine but only when outside BMW warrantee.

Birds in Uxbridge are the only one I know who don't invalidate warrantee - but they cost over £1000!


652 posts

247 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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530dmonkey said:
Not sure what they mean by unidentifiable. If the $tealer takes a remapped car for a test drive he will be able to tell. Also with major software upgrades on Progman e.g. for ipod connection or idrive errors then remap will be spotted. Should not make difference to warrantee but BMW could be difficult if they want to.

I will do on mine but only when outside BMW warrantee.

Birds in Uxbridge are the only one I know who don't invalidate warrantee - but they cost over £1000!

Warranty. Guarantee.


Original Poster:

2 posts

214 months

Wednesday 16th May 2007
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Thanks for your replies. I have now booked in DMS for Monday and will let you know. Have paid £650 inclusive and they are coming to me so even better. DMS offer a 3 year guarantee, insist it won't be identified in a diagnostics test and if the idrive is ever upgraded by BMW, they will come back and do it all again for free. Can't ask more than that. I'll let you know how I get on. Oh and I've just put my name and deposit on the waiting list for BMW M3 Cab due April. I spoke to Chandlers BMW about this and they said it wouldn't invalidate the warranty...! Who knows !!